Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thank you!!

Thank you for all your support!

As you probably know, I didn’t make it. However, I am very honored that you came out for me! I am also VERY PROUD to have run a campaign on the issues only.

The reality is that my message isn’t what the vast majority of the voters in Barnegat wanted. I will not judge that as being good or bad; it’s simply a fact.

Clearly, one of the many lessons (mostly marketing lessons) learned here is that direct mail works. I’ve read many books on the subject, so I know and understand these principles. I knew from the start that winning a campaign based solely on online marketing would be an arduous endeavor. Be that as it may, I feel good about how I ran my campaign, and I am thrilled that 493 people agreed with what I said!

We now have a brand new Board of Education. For the good of all the children, I believe we need to leave everything negative behind and wish the best to everyone on the Board, new and old, in their work on the difficult tasks before them. I mean that sincerely.

See you at the meetings.

Thanks again for supporting me!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Vote Today

This is it! It’s been a long and difficult campaign season for Board elections, and today is the day when we decide the future of our school district. Polls are open between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM.

As you know, much is at stake today. Five seats will be determined, and that’s the majority of the Board. Also at stake is the school budget, which I fully support.

I appreciate your support, and your vote. Please call your friends and neighbors and ask them to support me today.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Eye of the (Bengal) Tiger

Ah, 80’s music flashback. So with one day to go, I want you to know that I will be focused on what I’ve said. I want to accomplish the goals stated in this blog. Here is a summary of what I’ve said so far:

1) I will contact every Board member and let them know that the past is the past, and I want to work with them to move forward.
2)I will work to end the Board’s infighting and lawsuits.
3)I will always ask myself the question, “Does this build on our foundation?” when making decisions.
4)I will work on adding more language courses.
5)I will work on improving the website to include more public information starting with the Policy Manual. Additionally, I will work on improving the online interactivity of the district website.
6)I will work on creating a committee that works directly with the public to answer questions and concerns before they become political issues at Board meetings.
7)I will accept criticism as an opportunity for improvement.
8)I will work to add a few more meetings to the schedule that will be geared specifically for public comment where there can be more back-and-forth exchanges.
9)I will be accessible to the public. Email is the best way to reach me:
10)I will work on adding more online high school courses for supplemental classes.
11)I will work on adding more instruction for software applications other than Microsoft.
12)I will not make snap decisions.
13)I cannot promise to “lower taxes” because that issue (school tax), in my opinion, needs to be resolved at the state level. However, I will work to make sure every dollar spent is spent efficiently and in the best interest of education.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Candidate Profile

Information about my campaign appeared in today’s Asbury Park Press (page B8--back of Local News section).

Click on the graphic (or here) to see the in-print version. (This article is also online.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

MISSION: Build on our foundation

Near the end of the last Board of Education meeting, Ralph Splendorio spoke about his time on the Board and what he felt the new Board needed to do. What Ralph said not only made a lot sense, but it also made me rethink how the Board needs to focus as a group. Ralph said, “Build on your foundation. Don’t continually reinvent what has been done.” We need to move forward.

We all arrive at solutions by asking ourselves questions. The better the questions, the better the answers. It’s so simple and true. In fact, I believe that this should be the mission statement of our newly-elected Board. The Board as a whole, and individual Board members, should ask themselves, “Does this build on our foundation?” before taking actions or making decisions. If the answer is “no,” then everyone needs to go back to the drawing board.

On another note, fiscal responsibility is a key issue today because of rising prices and rising taxes. I am very proud to be passionate about saving money. To that end, I mentioned in my last post that I was going to be interviewed on Action News (Channel 6, Philadelphia) yesterday, Monday, 3/31/08. The story aired and was reported on by Nydia Han, Consumer News. Check it out below.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Money, money, money--money!

Taxes are a big issue because money is tight. Everyone is feeling the sting of high prices. High prices for gas, food, utilities, and other essentials. This is a topic that I write about professionally--helping people save money. I think it is quite relevant to have a school board candidate with a passion for saving money. Not at the expense of education, but to keep education spending efficient and smart. There are always places to find improvement and become more efficient because economic conditions are always changing.

FYI, on the personal side of money, I was interviewed by Emily Previti, Press of Atlantic City, for a big story that ran on today’s front page titled, “Bread, milk, egg prices spike, draining locals’ wallets.” If you don’t have the print edition, you can read the story online at:

Also, if you’re awake at 11:00 PM on Monday (tomorrow), you can catch my interview on Action News (Channel 6 ABC) about saving money.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Barnegat School Board Candidate Questions

It’s that time of year. Time for everyone to decide who is best to be on the Board of Education team. In Barnegat, it is particularly important this year because we have five seats to fill. That means the entire political majority of the Board is on the table. (I’m running for the one-year term.)

I gathered these questions by simply asking a few people, “What questions do you have for our school board candidates?”

Q #1:What has motivated you to run for the school board?
A #1:I believe a good education is a top priority, since I believe I can be useful in this area, I want to make myself available to help. I have always felt that teaching (education) is one of the most important professions. It’s equal to being a doctor, lawyer, rocket scientist...well, you get my point. And, without good teachers, we will not have doctors, lawyers, rocket scientist, etc. When I worked at Naval Air Engineering Center in Lakehurst, I volunteered every year for the WAVE program (Work Achievement Values Education) as well as tutored Calculus and Physics at Manchester High School. I even majored in education, on and off, but decided to go with Electrical Engineering (NJIT).
Q #2:Do you have children attending school in the district?
A #2:Yes, three, in grades 7, 8, and 10. They’re all doing well. (Actually, much better than I did at that age—must be my wife’s DNA.)
Q #3:What special capabilities will you bring to the Board regarding education, finance, and decision-making?
A #3:EDUCATION: I have direct experience in teaching. I taught martial arts back in the day, as they say, as well as coached wrestling for Howell recreation. I also taught The Princeton Review (SAT review) while I was a student at NJIT (Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering). Other education experience was with Manchester High School that I mentioned in question #1. FINANCE: I’m a consumer advocate in finance now, professionally, as the founder of and author of three books on managing debt. The media seeks my financial advice, which has been mentioned on CNN, FOX, The Wall Street Journal, NBC, ABC, Money, Consumer Reports, NPR, Bottom Line/Personal, and many others. DECISION MAKING: I don’t make snap decisions. I like to consider as much input as possible, from as many people as possible, before making the final call.
Q #4:Do you have sufficient time/energy to devote to this position?
A #4:I did serve on the Board from 2003-2006, so I understand the commitment that is required. I know exactly what I’m getting into. Also, I work from home, so I’m available 24/7 (typically) to respond.
Q #5:What can you do to bring all the board members to work together as a group without separating one group from the other?
A #5:I promise to listen to everyone on the Board, leave the past behind, and move forward. Since I’m running independently, I have no connections to any group and, therefore, will be able to work well with whoever is elected.
Q #6:What is the most important responsibility of a school board member?
A #6:Make sure the children are receiving the best education possible. That means quality teachers, administrators, proven curriculum, and a host of opportunities and activities so every child finds something they are passionate about to pursue now and in the future.
Q #7:What would you most like to see the Board accomplish?
A #7:(1) Get all the new schools and improvements up and running; (2) Add more language courses; (3) Improve the website to include more public information like the Policy Manual for example.
Q #8:How will you promote effective communication among the school board, the administration, and the community?
A #8:(1) Improve the online interactivity of the district website; (2) Create a committee that works directly with the public to answer questions and concerns before they become political issues at Board meetings; (3) Accept criticism as an opportunity for improvement; (4) Add a few more meetings to the scheduled meeting geared specifically for public comment where there can be more back-and-forth exchanges.
Q #9:Are you accessible to me, as a parent, if I need to discuss an issue?
A #9:Yes! I’ll do my best to help with any issue. Email is best:
Q #10:What additional curricula, materials, or technology do you think our district should add?
A #10:(1) Look at adding more online high school courses for supplemental classes. (2) Software instruction for applications other than Microsoft. Don’t get me wrong, I use FrontPage, and MS Office, but I also use OpenOffice, Google Docs, and other open source applications.(3) Foreign language starting in Kindergarten or 1st Grade.
Q #11:Do you believe that our current curriculum is preparing our children for acceptance into top-notch universities?
A #11:Yes! I am sure of this, or I would move somewhere else. Nevertheless, I believe that getting accepted to top colleges is mostly dependent on the motivation, determination, and hard work of each individual student. Those students need the right tools and curriculum to get there and we have it here—for sure! Additionally, we have a great music program and high-performing varsity sports. All these opportunities add up to the right mix for students heading to college.
Q #12:What are your views on teaching honesty, trustworthiness, etc.?
A #12:I believe that, ideally, these values are best taught at home and at an early age. That said, I also think that the schools should cover these topics to reinforce the lessons. Most likely, in my opinion, if you don't have a foundation of honesty and trustworthiness from home, then there isn't too much the school can do to instill that, especially in older children. But it certainly can’t hurt.
Q #13:What is the most important issue facing the Board of Education?
A #13:Board infighting! If the Board is not a team, then it creates more problems like lawsuits, public distrust, and waste of resources. That’s what I see happening now. The administration has been focused on defending themselves from attacks for the past two years, and every minute they work on defense, is a minute we are all paying for. The Board needs to somehow get back together. Not just say it, but mean it.
Q #14:Why should I vote for you?
A #14:(1) I’m an independent candidate with no ties to any group and no ties to anyone employed by the school district; (2) My only agenda is to do my best for the children and community; (3) I respect everyone’s opinion; (4) I will not make snap decisions; (5) I have experience in many areas that will help with the position.

NOTE: Please let me know what you think of my responses, or ask new questions, by clicking on COMMENTS below. THANKS!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Read Aloud

Today, I was honored to be part of the Read Aloud Program. It’s a celebration of Read Across America Day and the birthday of Dr. Seuss. The National Education Association sponsors this year-round program of reading activities. (More info about it here

Every year, the school invites people in the community to participate by reading to the children of Barnegat. I’ve participated in it every year starting back in 2003 when I was first invited. I always find it to be very gratifying--I love reading to the kids.

FYI, here’s a photo that appeared in the New Jersey School Board Association’s School Board Notes (2004) of me reading at the Horbelt School.

This year, I brought my own book, Stellaluna, by Janell Cannon (1993). It is one of my family’s favorites and one of the few kids’ books still around now that all three of my children are older (7th, 8th, and 10th).

Stellaluna, if you don’t know, is about a baby bat that is separated from its mother and is adopted by a family of birds. Eventually, Stellaluna is reunited with her bat mother (now you don’t have to worry) . :)

After I was finished reading, the kids shared all their stories with me--stories about bats, snakes, frogs, and dogs. They had many questions about bats, but sadly I had to inform them that I am not a bat expert and that I can’t answer all their questions about bats. I have, however, seen them in caves, up close and personal, and I did rescue one from the pool skimmer.

You should have see how well-behaved these kids were as a group--kindergarten kids--no interruptions, always raised their hands, very considerate and courteous. I was very impressed. Hats off again to the teachers of Barnegat.

I tell you this because it reminds me of why I’m interested in working on the Board. I remember when my kids were this age (and it wasn’t that long ago). I am very happy with their education now as I was then. And I want to do my best to ensure that all the children and parents in Barnegat have the same positive experiences.

Friday, February 15, 2008

“Things do not change; we change.”

I wish I could take credit for the title of this post, however, the author of that line is Henry David Thoreau. How right he is (and was).

It seems that every time there is an election, all the politicians are running on “change.” I guess what they understand is that people always want change. Is it that we are never satisfied where we are now? Maybe. Or is the real meaning of “change” simply a desire to strive to make things “better” than they are now.

Going back to Thoreau for a moment; it seems we change and things don’t change. If we want improvement, then what things about us must change to move forward and improve the Board of Education and education in general? That’s a tough one.

Therefore, from this point forward, I want to address “change” as improvement. That improvement will occur when we change. Does that mean changing to new Board members? Well, I know at least one guy that should be there. ;) All joking aside, here are a few of my thoughts on change and improvement.

1) Board meetings should stay focused solely on education matters.
It’s been too embarrassing and potentially dangerous lately. I can’t even bring my kids anymore. We should not need to have police at the meetings, but unfortunately that need does exist.

2) Increase the number of Board meetings.
Not to a crazy amount, but certainly a few more. These additional meetings can be the time for the public to talk more in detail with the Board. Meetings specifically designed for public comment with more back-and-forth allowed during the 5 minutes.

3) Better communication between district and parents.
First off, I think it’s pretty good now so I’m not knocking it. I get email updates all the time; whenever I call about issues related to my kids, they get back to me instantly. My emails to teachers and administrators are answered within minutes sometimes. What I mean is that not all parents share my experience. We just need to find out why and make it better.

4) Taxes, taxes, taxes.
Everyone is working hard and paying taxes. I’m paying around $6,000 a year. We rented a house on 7th Street for $750 per month when we moved here in 1991. That’s only $9,000 a year total, which is less than many people’s tax bill today. But guess what, I don’t see our taxes going down. That’s the reality of the situation. Anyone who promises “Lower Taxes” is simply lying to get elected. Don’t buy that line, “Lower taxes” ain’t happenin’. That’s why we must...

5) End the waste.
We cannot waste money having our highly-paid administrators spending time defending themselves. Either we trust them to do their jobs and work with them or we let them go. I am in agreement with the former. We have to be efficient with every dime. That means NO lawsuits, NO fighting, and NO revenge politics.

My question to you is, “What changes/improvement would you like to see?” Please click on “comment” and post your ideas—thanks!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Let the election season begin!!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website! Please sign up for the email updates so I can let you know when I add posts.

Yesterday, I turned in my petition and officially started my campaign for this April’s school board election. As far as I know, mine was the first petition received. Many people will wait until the last minute to turn in their petitions, but I like to get my homework in early.

I’m running for the unexpired, one-year term, and I’m not going to run a traditional campaign—no signs, no flyers, no print ads, no walking door-to-door—that’s just so 20th century. :)

Additionally, I’m not going to accept any money or run on a ticket with anyone. I have no connections to any other candidates. It’s just me trying to do my best for the kids, voters, and community.

The plan is to get the word to voters via this blog. I want to present information that is relevant to education in this town. This is a serious subject. However, there is a lighter side to everything. And, I want us all to have a little fun as well. (As you can see from the below video post.)

This blog format will allow you to post comments. All comments will be moderated (not edited). The goal is to create a constructive conversation that moves the town forward with all topics related to the schools. I have three children in the system—two at Brackman and one at the high school. My personal experience with the schools has always been positive! I am very happy with the education in this town as well as the teachers and administration.

Of course, everything is not perfect; there is always room for improvement which is true of all things. That said, the first things that need improvement are the relationships between members of the Board, the Board as a whole and the superintendent, and the Board and the public. The tension we’ve all witnessed over that past two years is getting worse and worse. This tension leads to waste: waste from legal fees and waste from our administrators and board members having to focus on defending themselves as opposed to educating our children.

So what is the solution?

I think we need to get everyone on the same page—Board members, the administration, and the public. Compromise is the key. Everyone elected this April needs to be on a team. They need to promise to work together and to work to BRING everyone together. I do hereby make that pledge. My goal, if elected, will be to do my best to unite the Board, the administration, and the public.

You may ask, “Okay, that sounds great, but what is your plan?”

Well...I don’t have an exact plan just yet. Part of my draft-plan is to be open-minded and listen. However, I’m hoping you’re going to help me develop a more detailed plan by being active here on this blog. I invite you to ask any question you wish. And, I will do my best to answer.

Let’s start off by responding to the latest poll question about homework (located in the upper-left corner of the page).

Thanks again for visiting!

Monday, January 28, 2008

JUST FOR FUN--video from the past...

This video is the 1984, 108 pound, Region VI finals. It's the Channel 8 broadcast. It's the only video I have from my high school wrestling career and it came into my possession some 22 years later from John Fiorentino (122 pound Region VI Champion and Brackman VP).

I'm the last wrestler to get on the matt wearing blue from Howell. Enjoy!

More Background Information

Scott Bilker, author of the best-selling books, Credit Card and Debt Management, How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart, and Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, is the creator of

He is an electrical engineer, with a B.S. from Newark College of Engineering, and a member of Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society) as well as the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. Locally, he served for three years (2003-2006) as an elected Board of Education member in Barnegat, NJ.

Scott has spent the past 17+ years finding great credit deals and saving thousands of dollars for himself and others. His credit card advice has been featured in several magazines, newspapers, and online resources including Consumer Reports, Money Magazine (June & August), The Wall Street Journal (9/07, 3/07, 1/07, 1/07, 7/06 & 4/05), Newsweek, The Christian Science Monitor,, Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine, Reader's Digest, CNN/Money, Kiplinger's Success With Your Money,, CBS Marketwatch, Woman's World, College Bound Teen, The Motley Fool, CBS News (The Early Show), Bottom Line Personal (April & May), Men's Health, DETAILS, Woman's Day, Family Circle, Ladies' Home Journal, Real Simple, Physician's Money Digest, Medical Economics, The San Francisco Chronicle, Glamour, Greensburg Tribune-Review, The Sun, and Valley Voice. Plus, his free DebtSmart® Email Newsletter is continuously helping consumers find their best borrowing options.

Scott has also appeared on CNN's American Morning with Miles O'Brien & Soledad O'Brien, Today in NY with Roseanne Colletti, CNNfn's Your Money with Ali Velshi, NBC 10 News' Consumer Alert, CBS News, FOX News, NBC 6 News' Consumer Connection, ABC News 7 On Your Side, PBS's Take Note with Patty Satalia, WB 17's Community Close-Up (WPHL-TV Philadelphia) with Dorie Lenz, the Extra Help Channel's In the Money with J. J. Burns (C.F.P.), and CN8's Family Talk with Mary Amoroso.

Plus, he's been interviewed on more than 1,000 radio stations (coast-to-coast, in Canada, and the UK) including National Public Radio's (NPR) Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep, WSJ Radio, The Wall Street Journal This Morning with Michael Wallace, WFAN (NY) with Bob Salter, KFMB (San Diego) with Jeff & Jer, and Talk America Network's It's Your Money with Dr. William Bailey.