Tuesday, April 1, 2008

MISSION: Build on our foundation

Near the end of the last Board of Education meeting, Ralph Splendorio spoke about his time on the Board and what he felt the new Board needed to do. What Ralph said not only made a lot sense, but it also made me rethink how the Board needs to focus as a group. Ralph said, “Build on your foundation. Don’t continually reinvent what has been done.” We need to move forward.

We all arrive at solutions by asking ourselves questions. The better the questions, the better the answers. It’s so simple and true. In fact, I believe that this should be the mission statement of our newly-elected Board. The Board as a whole, and individual Board members, should ask themselves, “Does this build on our foundation?” before taking actions or making decisions. If the answer is “no,” then everyone needs to go back to the drawing board.

On another note, fiscal responsibility is a key issue today because of rising prices and rising taxes. I am very proud to be passionate about saving money. To that end, I mentioned in my last post that I was going to be interviewed on Action News (Channel 6, Philadelphia) yesterday, Monday, 3/31/08. The story aired and was reported on by Nydia Han, Consumer News. Check it out below.

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