Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thank you!!

Thank you for all your support!

As you probably know, I didn’t make it. However, I am very honored that you came out for me! I am also VERY PROUD to have run a campaign on the issues only.

The reality is that my message isn’t what the vast majority of the voters in Barnegat wanted. I will not judge that as being good or bad; it’s simply a fact.

Clearly, one of the many lessons (mostly marketing lessons) learned here is that direct mail works. I’ve read many books on the subject, so I know and understand these principles. I knew from the start that winning a campaign based solely on online marketing would be an arduous endeavor. Be that as it may, I feel good about how I ran my campaign, and I am thrilled that 493 people agreed with what I said!

We now have a brand new Board of Education. For the good of all the children, I believe we need to leave everything negative behind and wish the best to everyone on the Board, new and old, in their work on the difficult tasks before them. I mean that sincerely.

See you at the meetings.

Thanks again for supporting me!

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