Sunday, March 30, 2008

Money, money, money--money!

Taxes are a big issue because money is tight. Everyone is feeling the sting of high prices. High prices for gas, food, utilities, and other essentials. This is a topic that I write about professionally--helping people save money. I think it is quite relevant to have a school board candidate with a passion for saving money. Not at the expense of education, but to keep education spending efficient and smart. There are always places to find improvement and become more efficient because economic conditions are always changing.

FYI, on the personal side of money, I was interviewed by Emily Previti, Press of Atlantic City, for a big story that ran on today’s front page titled, “Bread, milk, egg prices spike, draining locals’ wallets.” If you don’t have the print edition, you can read the story online at:

Also, if you’re awake at 11:00 PM on Monday (tomorrow), you can catch my interview on Action News (Channel 6 ABC) about saving money.

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